How Cold Showers Have Changed My Life

I’ve recently become obsessed with seeking discomfort in my life. Which may sound strange. But I’ve been digging into the science, reasoning and history around the importance of being uncomfortable. And honestly, it’s changed my life. I’m going to share the key highlights - showing you why you too should seek discomfort.


The Modern Comfortable World

Most people rarely step outside their comfort zones. We are living in progressively sheltered, sterile, temperature-controlled, over-fed, under-challenged, safety-netted lives.

The most physically uncomfortable thing most of us do is exercise, which is often conducted in an air-conditioned building while listening to our choice of music. We choose not to go outside unless the conditions, are well comfortable.

We lack physically struggles. We have too many ways to numb it out, like comfort food, cigarettes, alcohol, pills, smartphones and Netflix. We’re detached from the things that make us feel happy and alive, like connection, being in the natural world, effort and perseverance.

Going Back to Our Ancestor Days

Humans evolved to seek comfort. We instinctually default to safety, shelter and warmth, extra food and minimal effort. And that drive throughout the whole of human history was beneficial in order to push us to survival.

However, mounting evidence shows that people are at their best - physically harder, mentally tougher, spiritually sounder - after experiencing the same discomforts our early ancestors were exposed to every day.

Our common problem today is that our environment has changed, but our wiring hasn’t. And this wiring for comfort is deeply engrained.

The modern comforts and conveniences that now influence our daily existence - cars, computers, televisions, climate control, smartphones, ultra-processed food - have been used by our species for 100 years or less. That’s around 0.03% of the time we’ve walked the earth.

Constant comfort is a radically new thing for us humans. We need to regain some of the discomfort our ancestors had.

Reaching Our Potential

Our potential is often trapped behind the uncomfortable. The unknown. We no longer have any idea about what exists on the edge of our potential. Because we never get stretched, pushed or uncomfortable anymore. Comfort creeps into all areas of our lives. But as much as it may be appealing, it’s stopping us from knowing what we can really deal with. We deserve to show ourselves how tough and strong we actually are.

If you never seek discomfort, you are keeping your true potential and ability hidden from yourself.

Seeking Discomfort in Your Own Life

I thought I would share a few ways I am adding discomfort into my own life. It’s now become something I actively pursue. And it’s easier than you think. Plus, just a little bit of discomfort can go a long way.

My favourite, easiest practice are daily morning cold showers. You’re in the shower anyway. So why not have a sixty second blast under cold water at the end. Not only is it great for my health and fitness, allows my muscles to recover and has a whole host of longevity benefits but it’s beautifully uncomfortable. This discomfort I experience every single morning has allowed me to build a great mindset in other areas of my life. When I’m in the shower all warm and comfortable, turning the shower to cold takes discipline. And sometimes a lot of it. And this disciple has led me to building the mindset that ‘I can’ and allows me to mentally prepare for the challenges for the day ahead. If I can have a cold shower even when I really don’t want to, it sets me up knowing I can deal with whatever the day is going to throw at me.

I am also pushing through tough runs, regularly go to the gym, play long and intensive tennis matches. And am always on the look out for any other way to push myself into the discomfort zone. And getting more comfortable with doing so.

Final Thoughts

Discomfort has changed my life for the better. And it could change your life too. As much as our comfortable world is great, it has created a world which rarely presents us with the physical challenges we truly need, and we have paid for it with our health and hardiness. But we can change that.

With some cold showers, a tough run, getting outside in nature - we can change the trajectory of our life, expand our potential and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.


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