Alone Time

Alone Time: Four Cities, Four Seasons and the Pleasures of Solitude by Stephanie Rosenbloom

In our hectic, hyperconnected lives, many people are uncomfortable with the prospect of solitude. Yet a little time to ourselves can be an opportunity to slow down, savour, and try new things, especially when traveling. When we spend one third of our waking lives by ourselves, appreciating the importance of time alone seems like a worthwhile idea to explore more deeply.

🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences

  1. In a society that is easily distracted, and afraid of the connotations of being alone, this book demonstrates the benefits of solitude; from her perspective travelling alone as well as through mental health and social science professionals, writers, artists and innovators.

  2. Through Stephanie's travels to Paris, Istanbul, Florence and her experience living in New York, she shows how there is so much to notice and appreciate when we our by ourselves.

  3. All the cities are walkable and people friendly, and she explores topics on dining alone; learning to savour; discovering interests; serendipity; appreciation; creating space.

🎨 Impressions

This book deeply explores and considers time spent alone by ourselves. However, sometimes the wording become distracting, with lots of long winded comments from others which didn't appear directly relevant to the discussion. This being said, the descriptions and insights from her personal experience in these new cities was revelling, with lots of detail about the location she was visiting, her thoughts and insights as well as the many interactions she had.

Who Should Read It?

If you are planning on travelling solo, or travelling to Paris, Istanbul, Florence or New York this book will provide great insights on local hot-spots and how to make the most if your time there. This book, on a general travel perspective, will enlighten you as to how we can deepen our appreciation for everyday beauty. From listening to the sounds, interactions with people passing by, and new smells.

☘️ How the Book Changed Me

How my life / behaviour / thoughts / ideas have changed as a result of reading the book:

  • Savouring the moment, examining things closely, reminiscing — these practices are not strictly for use on the road. They're for everyday life, anywhere.

  • Aim "to see things as if for the first or last time, and to focus on what is happening and what you are feeling as it unfolds in the present."

  • We can implement some of the concepts we use when travelling somewhere new in our own home own - such as each week finding somewhere new to visit, taking longer with your coffee, strolling down a new street or exploring around corners and peaking inside shops.

✍️ My Top 3 Quotes

When you’re not sitting across from someone, you’re sitting across from the world.

Alone time is an invitation. A chance to do things you’ve been wanting to do. . . . You need not carry on polite conversation. You can go to a park. You can go to Paris.

When preparing for a trip, we can read about architecture and restaurants. But what ultimately breathes life into the daydreams of anticipation are the people we encounter when we're actually there, including those we merely pass on the street or, in this case, the stairwell.


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