2022: A Year of Building
This year has been crazy. But I want to make next year even better. So 2022, is going to be my year of building. Here’s what I am going to do - hopefully it will help you, you can keep me accountable, and I can refer back to it myself throughout the year too. Let the year of building commence…
Creating Scarcity in a World of Abudance
Bitcoin has become so popular as it has programmable, fixed scarcity in a world of uncontrollable, endless money printing. In other words, Bitcoin is scarce in a world of abundance. Scarcity truly impacts our lives, it’s an important concept, and we too should strive for scarcity. So we can become our own, human version, of Bitcoin.
Ambition: An Unstoppable Force or Dangerous Power?
Ambition. That driving force that propels us to greatness. In our world today we strive to create more ambition in our lives, but I question whether that is real, genuine ambition or simply a misguided force, that will tear you off your true and best path in life. Ambition is like fire from a dragons mouth; unbelievably powerful but potentially very dangerous. It can be an out-of-control fuel yet if focused can produce unbeatable results. So which is it for you?