2022: A Year of Building
This year has been crazy. But I want to make next year even better. So 2022, is going to be my year of building. Here’s what I am going to do - hopefully it will help you, you can keep me accountable, and I can refer back to it myself throughout the year too. Let the year of building commence…
Creating Scarcity in a World of Abudance
Bitcoin has become so popular as it has programmable, fixed scarcity in a world of uncontrollable, endless money printing. In other words, Bitcoin is scarce in a world of abundance. Scarcity truly impacts our lives, it’s an important concept, and we too should strive for scarcity. So we can become our own, human version, of Bitcoin.
Balance is an Invisible Constant in Our Lives
The Universe is an elaborate ecosystem. A staggeringly vast quantity of complex forces intersect, interdepend and balance for us to be alive. We need to appreciate that our life is an ecosystem too and use multi-dimensional thinking to better understand our decisions, ideas, feelings, emotions and thoughts. We should not view these in isolation of the whole ecosystem of life. Balance is always needed. Balance is an invisible constant in our lives.
Why I Decided to be Buddhist
Over years, we have become so accustomed to our inner monologue creating unhelpful assessments and making rash decisions about how we should feel. Combatting this requires thoughtful and emphatic dedication and practice. I believe that Buddhist philosophies and principles has the real transformative power to calm ourselves, feel better and re-take control of our minds.
Thinking Without Limits: A World of New Possibilities
We have lost the true art of developing our thinking. Yet, our brains have thousands of thoughts each day. Our minds are constantly thinking. Surely then, we should spend more time, thinking about our thinking. As after all, if you can change your thoughts, you can change your life. If we want to live life to the fullest, then care for your thoughts as if they are your most prized possessions and think without limits…
The Power of Waves
A wave is powerful. There is no controlling it. It’s strong and forceful. But they are beautiful, artistic, and liberating. See how waves could impact your life…