Welcome to my Book Notes.
I’ve read over 200 books in the last 2 years. Here is a collection of my insights from over 50 of my favourites.
Show Your Work
The reasons and tips on why you should share your work online. And how easy it is to do.
The War of Art
Understanding and overcoming that resistance that often gets in the way of progress in creative projects.
An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth
What an astronaught learnt from their experiences and journey in Space and how we can apply those lessons on Earth.
No Rules Rules
The secrets to creating an innovative unbeatable culture through the story of how Netflix transformed from a tiny start-up to global mega media company.
The Antidote
The Antidote details the negative path to happiness and dismantles culturally popular views surrounding positive thinking.
The Righteous Mind
Understanding a new approach to moral psychology and why good people are divided by politics and reasoning.
How To Avoid A Climate Disaster
An overview of the climate change situation detailing the key ideas, problems and solutions.
Doughnut Economics
A revolutionary new toolkit and way of thinking about 21st century economics, taking into account social and environmental factors.
The Radical Sabbatical
Discusses career fulfilment and advocates for more diverse career education and having a portfolio of careers, not just one. Advice on networking, finding time, having money and making change.
The way of the Essentialist is the relentless pursuit of less but better. The way of the Essentialist rejects the idea that we can fit it all in, instead it’s about making real trade-offs and tough decisions.
The Book of Rest
A new meaning to rest and all the benefits that come with it - Rest is an always occurring natural phenomenon - when everything is just as it is.